.. _select: Data Retrieval ============== Query data from already created tables. The ``SELECT`` call follows mostly the standard SQL conventions, including all typical ingredients (such as ``WHERE``, ``GROUP BY``, ``ORDER BY`` etc.). .. raw:: html
        * | <expression> [ [ AS ] <alias> ] [ , ... ]
        [ FROM <from> [ , ... ] ]
        [ WHERE <filter-condition> ]
        [ GROUP BY <group-by> ]
        [ HAVING <having-condition> ]
        [ UNION [ ALL | DISTINCT ] <select> ]
        [ ORDER BY <order-by> [ ASC | DESC ] [ , ... ] ]
        [ LIMIT <end> ]
        [ OFFSET <start> ]
.. note:: If you would like to help, please see [our issue tracker](https://github.com/dask-contrib/dask-sql/issues/43). Example: .. code-block:: sql SELECT name, SUM(x) AS s FROM data WHERE y < 3 AND x > 0.5 GROUP BY name HAVING SUM(x) < 5 UNION SELECT 'myself' AS name, 42 AS s ORDER BY s LIMIT 100 Also (all kind of) joins and (complex) subqueries are possible: .. code-block:: sql SELECT lhs.name, lhs.id, lhs.x FROM data AS lhs JOIN ( SELECT name AS max_name, MAX(x) AS max_x FROM timeseries GROUP BY name ) AS rhs ON lhs.name = rhs.max_name AND lhs.x = rhs.max_x For complex queries with many subqueries, it might be beneficial to use ``WITH`` for temporary table definitions: .. code-block:: sql WITH tmp AS ( SELECT MAX(b) AS maxb from df GROUP BY a ) SELECT maxb FROM tmp Implemented operations ---------------------- The following list includes all operations understood and implemented in ``dask-sql``. Scalar functions can be used to turn a column (or multiple) into a column of the same length (such as ``x + y`` or ``sin(x)``) whereas aggregation functions can only be used in ``GROUP BY`` clauses, as they turn a column into a single value. For more information on the semantic of the different functions, please have a look into the `Apache Calcite documentation `_. Scalar Functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Binary Operations: ``AND``, ``OR``, ``>``, ``>=``, ``<``, ``<=``, ``=``, ``<>``, ``+``, ``-``, ``/``, ``*`` Unary Math Operations: ``ABS``, ``ACOS``, ``ASIN``, ``ATAN``, ``ATAN2``, ``CBRT``, ``CEIL``, ``COS``, ``COT``, ``DEGREES``, ``EXP``, ``FLOOR``, ``LOG10``, ``LN``, ``POWER``, ``RADIANS``, ``ROUND``, ``SIGN``, ``SIN``, ``TAN``, ``TRUNCATE`` String operations: ``LIKE``, ``SIMILAR TO``, ``||``, ``CHAR_LENGTH``, ``UPPER``, ``LOWER``, ``POSITION``, ``TRIM``, ``OVERLAY``, ``SUBSTRING``, ``INITCAP`` Date operations: ``EXTRACT``, ``YEAR``, ``QUARTER``, ``MONTH``, ``WEEK``, ``DAYOFYEAR``, ``DAYOFMONTH``, ``DAYOFWEEK``, ``HOUR``, ``MINUTE``, ``SECOND``, ``LOCALTIME``, ``LOCALTIMESTAMP``, ``CURRENT_TIME``, ``CURRENT_DATE``, ``CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`` .. note:: Due to a `bug/inconsistency `_ in Apache Calcite, both the ``CURRENTTIME`` and ``LOCALTIME`` return a time without timezone and are therefore the same functionality. Special Operations: ``CASE``, ``NOT``, ``IS NULL``, ``IS NOT NULL``, ``IS TRUE``, ``IS NOT TRUE``, ``IS FALSE:``, ``IS NOT FALSE``, ``IS UNKNOWN``, ``IS NOT UNKNOWN``, ``EXISTS``, ``RAND``, ``RAND_INTEGER`` Example: .. code-block:: sql SELECT SIN(x) FROM "data" WHERE MONTH(t) = 4 .. note:: It is also possible to implement custom functions. See :ref:`custom`. Aggregations ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``ANY_VALUE``, ``AVG``, ``BIT_AND``, ``BIT_OR``, ``BIT_XOR``, ``COUNT``, ``EVERY``, ``MAX``, ``MIN``, ``SINGLE_VALUE``, ``STDDEV_POP``, ``STDDEV_SAMP``, ``SUM``, ``VAR_POP``, ``VAR_SAMP``, ``VARIANCE`` Example: .. code-block:: sql SELECT SUM(x) FROM "data" GROUP BY y Statistical Aggregation Function which takes two columns as input are follows: ``REGR_COUNT``, ``REGR_SXX``, ``REGR_SYY``, ``COVAR_POP``, ``COVAR_SAMP`` .. code-block:: sql SELECT REGR_COUNT(y,x), REGR_SXX(y,x), COVAR_POP(y,x) FROM "data" GROUP BY z .. note:: It is also possible to implement custom aggregations. See :ref:`custom`. Windowing/Over ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``ROW_NUMBER``, ``SUM``, ``AVG``, ``COUNT``, ``MAX``, ``MIN``, ``SINGLE_VALUE``, ``FIRST_VALUE``, ``LAST_VALUE`` Example: .. code-block:: sql SELECT y, SUM(x) OVER (PARTITION BY z ORDER BY a NULLS FIRST) FROM "data" .. note:: Again, it is also possible to implement custom windowing functions. Table Functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``TABLESAMPLE SYSTEM`` and ``TABLESAMPLE BERNOULLI``: Example: .. code-block:: sql SELECT * FROM "data" TABLESAMPLE BERNOULLI (20) REPEATABLE (42) ``TABLESAMPLE`` allows to draw random samples from the given table and should be the preferred way to select samples. ``BERNOULLI`` will select a row in the original table with a probability given by the number in the brackets (in percentage). The optional flag ``REPEATABLE`` defines the random seed to use. ``SYSTEM`` is similar, but acts on partitions (so blocks of data) and is therefore much more inaccurate and should only ever be used on really large data samples where ``BERNOULLI`` is not fast enough (which is very unlikely).