Machine Learning


Machine Learning support is experimental in dask-sql. We encourage you to try it out and report any issues on our issue tracker.

Both the training as well as the prediction using Machine Learning methods play a crucial role in many data analytics applications. dask-sql supports Machine Learning applications in different ways, depending on how much you would like to do in Python or SQL.

Please also see Machine Learning in SQL for more information on the SQL statements used on this page.

1. Data Preparation in SQL, Training and Prediction in Python

If you are familiar with Python and the ML ecosystem in Python, this one is probably the simplest possibility. You can use the Context.sql() call as described before to extract the data for your training or ML prediction. The result will be a Dask dataframe, which you can either directly feed into your model or convert to a pandas dataframe with .compute() before.

This gives you full control on the training process and the simplicity of using SQL for data manipulation. You can use this method in your python scripts or Jupyter notebooks, but not from the SQL Server or Command Line Tool.

2. Training in Python, Prediction in SQL

In many companies/teams, it is typical that some team members are responsible for creating/training a ML model, and others use it to predict unseen data. It would be possible to create a custom function (see Custom Functions and Aggregations) to load and use the model, which then can be used in SELECT queries. However for convenience, dask-sql introduces a SQL keyword to do this work for you automatically. The syntax is similar to the BigQuery Predict Syntax.

    SELECT x, y, z FROM data

This call will first collect the data from the inner SELECT call (which can be any valid SELECT call, including JOIN, WHERE, GROUP BY, custom tables and views etc.) and will then apply the model with the name “my_model” for prediction. The model needs to be registered at the context before using register_model().

c.register_model("my_model", model)

The model registered here can be any valid python object, which follows the scikit-learn interface, which is to have a predict() function. Please note that the input will not be pandas dataframe, but a Dask dataframe. See Machine Learning in SQL for more information.

3. Training and Prediction in SQL

This method, in contrast to the other two possibilities, works completely from SQL, which allows you to also call it e.g. from your BI tool. Additionally to the PREDICT keyword mentioned above, dask-sql also has a way to create and train a model from SQL:

    model_class = 'sklearn.ensemble.GradientBoostingClassifier',
    wrap_predict = True,
    target_column = 'target'
) AS (
    SELECT x, y, target
    FROM timeseries
    LIMIT 100

This call will create a new instance of sklearn.ensemble.GradientBoostingClassifier and train it with the data collected from the SELECT call (again, every valid SELECT query can be given). The model can than be used in subsequent calls to PREDICT using the given name. Have a look into Machine Learning in SQL for more information.


The following SQL-only code gives an example on how the commands can play together. We assume that you have created/registered a table “my_data” with the numerical columns x and y and the boolean target label.

-- First, we create a new feature z out of x and y.
-- For convenience, we store it in another table
CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE transformed_data AS (
    SELECT x, y, x + y AS z, label
    FROM my_data

-- We split the data into a training set
-- by using the first 100 items.
-- Please note that this is just for a very quick-and-dirty
-- example - you would probably want to do something
-- more advanced here, maybe with TABLESAMPLE
    SELECT * FROM transformed_data
    LIMIT 15

-- Quickly check the data
SELECT * FROM training_data

-- We can now train a model from the sklearn package.
-- Make sure to install it together with dask-ml with conda or pip.
    model_class = 'sklearn.ensemble.GradientBoostingClassifier',
    wrap_predict = True,
    target_column = 'label'
) AS (
    SELECT * FROM training_data

-- Now apply the trained model on all the data
-- and compare.
    *, (CASE WHEN target = label THEN True ELSE False END) AS correct
    SELECT * FROM transformed_data