Data Loading and Input

Before data can be queried with dask-sql, it needs to be loaded into the dask cluster (or local instance) and registered with the dask_sql.Context. For this, dask-sql uses the wide field of possible input formats of dask. You have multiple possibilities to load input data in dask-sql:

1. Load it with dask via python

You can either use already created dask dataframes or create one by using one of the read_<format> functions from dask. Chances are high, there exists already a function to load your favorite format or location (e.g. s3 or hdfs. Make sure to install required libraries both on the driver and worker machines.

import dask.dataframe as dd
from dask_sql import Context

c = Context()
df = dd.read_csv("s3://nyc-tlc/trip data/yellow_tripdata_2019-01.csv")

c.create_table("my_data", df)

or in short (equivalent):

from dask_sql import Context

c = Context()

c.create_table("my_data", "s3://nyc-tlc/trip data/yellow_tripdata_2019-01.csv")

Load hive data

As an experimental feature, it is now also possible to use data stored in the Apache Hive metastore. For this, dask-sql will retrieve the information on the storage location and format from the metastore and will then register the raw data directly in the context. This means, no Hive data query will be issued and you might be able to see a speed improvement.

from dask_sql import Context
from pyhive.hive import connect

c = Context()

cursor = connect("hive-server", 10000).cursor()
c.create_table("my_data", cursor, hive_table_name="the_name_in_hive")

2. Load it via SQL

If you are connected to the SQL server implementation or you do not want to issue python command calls, you can also achieve the data loading via SQL only.

    format = 'csv',
    location = 's3://nyc-tlc/trip data/yellow_tripdata_2019-01.csv'

You can find more information in Table Creation.

3. Persist and share data on the cluster

In dask, you can publish datasets with names into the cluster memory. This allows to reuse the same data from multiple clients/users in multiple sessions.

For example, you can publish your data using the client.publish_dataset function of the distributed.Client, and then later register it in the dask_sql.Context via SQL:

# a dask.distributed Client
client = Client(...)

Later in SQL:

    format = 'memory',
    location = 'my_ds'

Note, that the format is set to memory and the location is the name, which was chosen when publishing the dataset.

To achieve the same thing from python, you can just use dask’s methods to get the dataset

df = client.get_dataset("my_df")
c.create_table("my_data", df)


For dask-sql it does not matter how you load your data. In all shown cases you can then use the specified table name to query your data in a SELECT call.

Please note however that un-persisted data will be reread from its source (e.g. on S3 or disk) on every query whereas persisted data is only read once. This will increase the query speed, but will also prevent you from seeing external updates to your data (until you reload it explicitly).